A Gift Guide for Pet Owners: What You Need to Know About Buying Cat and Dog Toys

As a pet-parent, providing mental and physical stimulation for your dog or cat is a M.U.S.T. Many times, due to work or social commitments, you might not be able to give your fur baby all the attention they need. That’s why having an arsenal of toys becomes crucial. They provide mental stimulation for your dog or cat, as well as exercise and entertainment!
If you’re wondering how many toys your furbaby needs, it all depends on how willing you are to deal with clutter in your home. Or how freely you allow playtime! 😺 If you have a small apartment, then it would be best to have a couple of interactive toys for your pet. These will keep them entertained and happy. However, if you live in a larger home or have a lot of space to spare, then it's totally fine to buy as many as your heart desires! No doggo or catto can be too spoiled am I right?
Dogs and cats need interactive toys because they help their physical and mental development. But they also need other things like food, shelter, water, or socialization time with their hoomans or other animal furiends.
Sustainable products are great for both pet and pet parents alike! You can find eco-friendly toys made out of materials like wool, hemp, cotton, or wood. These are all-natural materials that won't harm animals or the environment in the manufacturing process like some plastics do.
If you're just starting out as a furmom or dad, then it might be worth considering the idea of buying eco-friendly cat and dog products! If you have questions, you know who to ask!
Email us with any inquiries: info@gonetothedogs.co
It is important to keep in mind that not all pet toys are created equal. While pet toys should be durable and able to withstand the tough chewing that they put them through, parents should also consider cat and dog toys that help with mental stimulation and emotional enrichment. And as always, hats off to healthy teefs, pet toys should also be able to promote healthy teeth and gums.
Why Buying High-Quality Cat or Dog Toys is Worth the Investment
Buying high-quality cat or dog toys IS worth the bang for your buck. It is important to consider your pet’s needs and safety when making purchases. Buying high-quality dog toys is worth the investment because they are safer and last longer than the mainstream toy out there.
Some of the most popular toys for cat and dogs are made from sustainable materials or utilize biodegradable material in their construction. These sustainable toys come at different price points, but are always a great option for pet owners who are looking to support small or local businesses, while building a community with those business owners and their other clientele. Just take it from us!
Criteria to Evaluate Dog Toys
As a pet parent, you want to ensure that you are giving them the best possible toys for their breed and personality. A good way to determine what type of toy your pet will enjoy is to look at what they have played with in the past or what they prefer in nature. Some common criteria when it comes to the evaluation of cat and dog toys are size, safety, durability, comfort, cost and quality materials used in construction. Things to consider when buying toys for you dog and/or cat:
- Does (s)he like to play fetch?
- Does my dog prefer a small toy or a big toy?
- How durable do my dog’s toys need to be?
- How important is sustainability and ethical supply chain?
- Can I shop locally in the process of buying toys for my dog?
There are many types of pet toys available in the market. They are mainly classified into chew toys, plush toys, and interactive cat or dog toys. A perfect toy for your pet should be one that is both good for its teeth and can provide some mental stimulation too. You should also look at the sustainability of a toy before buying it as many of them are not environmentally friendly and contain toxic plastics.
The Benefits of Having a Good Toy For Your Cat or Dog
This is a list of benefits that your cat or dog gets from having a toy.
- It makes it easier to keep the pet entertained which helps with training
- It will help with their mental health by giving them something to do
- Toys can help with aggressive behavior as they spend less time getting angry
- Cat and dog toys will also help them feel less restless and bored
Please get in touch with any questions. Check out our store, or look around our website: gonetothedogs.co !